Friday, February 12, 2010

Yemen Declares Ceasefire With Northern Rebels


Yemeni authorities have declared a north truce with rebels fighting government troops.
Cease-fire, which at midnight local time (GMT 2100) came in began and how the struggle to end the day of talks between the government and rebels.
Rebel leader known as Huthis, his men ordered to comply with the cease-fire.
Yemen has been fighting the army rebels since 2004. More than 250,000 were displaced in the region.
Government in August against rebels began their latest assault. Saudi Arabia has also been prepared in the struggle.
Many observers say that the question is how long the cease-fire declared last May.
Yemeni government still empathize with southern separatists and Al Qaeda militants fighting against two others: is facing.
The rebel statement
Fighting fire with news of a presidential decree read on state television came in. "We decided to stop military operations in the north, west of midnight," said decree.
In response, in a statement, rebel leader Abdul Malik Badr Eddin al-fighters ", stop fighting on all fronts by the government has announced within hours."
"Once the ceasefire is a standard, and then open roads and checkpoints and barriers have to move," the statement added.
The move comes after it was informed that several rebels had accepted the terms, Saudi Arabia for a pledge, taken by the Government to prevent fighting for includes not attack.
Zaidi minority Shia community in the province of Saada based Houthi rebels, North West District has been fighting for more than five years.


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