Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ex-Pentagon official jailed for spying for China


A former Pentagon official has been sentenced to three years in prison for passing classified information to a Chinese spy.

James Fondren, 62, provided "certain classified defence department documents and other information" to a friend, who turned out to be a Chinese spy. The judge said the information passed on caused little or no harm to US national security. Fondren, a retired US Air Force lieutenant colonel, is appealing.

His lawyer argued that Fondren did not know that Tai Shen Kuo, a naturalised US citizen from Taiwan, was a spy. But prosecutors say that "Fondren was aware that Kuo had maintained a close relationship with an official of the People's Republic of China".

Fondren is the former deputy director of the US Pacific Command's Washington Liaison Office, a position which reportedly afforded him "top secret" security clearance. The sentence comes at a time of heightened tension between the two countries, with Beijing warning on Friday that Washington's criticism of its internet controls could harm ties between the two countries.


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